Artist Statement
The design for John Proctor is the Villain came out of two primary anchor points. The grounded, reality of the space - a somewhat underfunded school classroom in North Georgia - and the execution of that in the selective realism of the space. This was exemplified through the shattered steel frames of a drop ceiling that hovered over the classroom; the light cascading through these, the door, and the windows gave the sense that the room was fracturing.
This is highlighted in transitional moments between scenes and act as punctuation which lingers into the next moments of action with texture from the ceiling frames playing about the room.
Finally, as the characters shake free of this reality, the space too is unmoored as green light pours in from the hallway and the walls of classroom seem vibrate with luminescence.
John Proctor is the Villain
Bowling Green State University Theatre
Director: Sara Lipinski
Scenic: Marcus Sherrell
Costumes: Margaret McCubbin
Sound/Video: Jason Walton